Ragdoll Blaster, quite simply one of the most engaging, frustrating, enjoyable and addictive games now available for the iPhone and iPod Touch.", The Apple Blog "Expertly designed, sublimely presented and with cause for replay after replay, Ragdoll Blaster is the king of experimentation that ends with a brilliant bang.", Pocket Gamer "I'm extremely impressed by Ragdoll Blaster, and as a huge fan of physics games, I can't believe I waited until now to play it.", Touch Arcade If you enjoy puzzle games, or find any amusement in shooting ragdolls out of cannons and watching them flop around, there's more than enough content here to keep you busy for a while. Ragdoll Blaster is an example of a simple concept done well. The game has over a hundred levels, and updates keep adding to it, so there's a lot of puzzling to be had here. The sound is minimalist too, with sparse sound effects and the only music being 'Hall of the Mountain King' played randomly. The background is graph paper, and everything looks like a blueprint. The game has a very minimalist aesthetic. Objects such as boulders, planks of wood, levers, and hammers can be manipulated by your cannon to hit that bullseyes. The further away from the cannon, the stronger the shot. By dragging and tapping, the targeting reticle is moved and the cannon is fired. The cannon is controlled via the touch screen. By changing trajectory and the strength of your shot, obstacles can be shot over, and objects can be interacted with in order to reach your goal. The goal of each level is to hit a bullseye using as few ragdolls as possible. In Ragdoll Blaster, you control a cannon that fires ragdoll puppets. There are almost no limits to your scientific sadism in Mutilate a Doll 2.Puzzle games are always fun for a diversion, but add physics, and it becomes hard to put down. You can even lift them up high, before throwing them back on the ground again. You can smash them against the wall or the ceiling. Or simply let physics take their toll as you throw them around like a crash test dummy. Watch their body parts fly in all directions as you make them explode. Whack the characters with traps that you neatly put next to them. Maybe just some small bits and pieces of what once was a human-looking doll. Fire a gun at your character's torso and see what will be left of it afterwards. Like the playable characters in Happy Wheels, part of the fun is seeing your doll suffer in an online game. Explore brand new ways to mutilate a doll. Objects so large, that they can barely be lifted by a single human being. Play around with massive and heavy objects like an anvil or a huge anchor.
This crazy simulator lets you gleefully attack a ragdoll character with all kinds of sharp objects. You also need to stomach all the carnage you cause with your experiments. All you need is a disturbingly dark sense of humor. You can enjoy Mutilate a Doll 2, a crazy fun game with total freedom of choice. Like most doll games you can play online, it's simply fun to see what you can get away with. You have access to many different objects there.You can create weapons, unsafe items or just plain old life-threatening magic to terrorize your doll with. Use the technical interface to conduct fun experiments with your ragdoll. But if you are only morbidly curious, then this splatter slapstick game may be fun for you.

If that sounds immediately appealing to you, you should probably seek professional help. Mutilate a Doll 2 is a physical sandbox simulator developed by Rava Games.